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Worship with Us - Worship Times and Styles

We have two worship services on Sunday mornings:

The 9:30 AM Traditional service is rooted in Methodist liturgy with uplifting hymns and vocal and handbell choirs led on the organ and piano.  Holy communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month.

The 11:00 AM Relaxed Traditional service offers a variety of joyful worship experiences revealing the timeless promises of our faith as well as the hopes and needs of today.  The music styles are diverse, and communion is offered weekly.

Nursery care, as well as Kids Quest, our children's Sunday School program, are offered during both worship services.

Our Spring Sermon Series

How do you experience God? Some people love to listen to music, or walk in nature. Is that you? The truth is there are so many ways to experience and understand the fullness of God. After the Resurrection of Jesus the Bible tells us that those close to Jesus began to experience him in many different ways.
What if there was a new way for us to experience the great love of God? Through seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and and smelling, we might have a new Sense-Ability!  Join us for our spring sermon series.

Our Most Recent Sermon

This week, Pastor Matthew discussed our sense of taste.  How can we use this sense to discover God more fully, and how can we use this to help us share God with the world?

Sermon Replay

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Centreville UMC welcomes people of all ages and stages of life.

There's something for everyone.

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